Toddler, Teens, and Everyone In between

The fun thing about having a bigger family is all the ages and different stages. Sometimes it is hard, everyone needs something different from you. You feel pulled in a million directions. But they all bring something wonderful and unique to your heart and home.

I love watching the older children interacting with the younger children. Something special about their relationships. They have a unique bond. I like watching the older ones teaching the younger ones something new. I love seeing them work together. I love seeing them snuggle.  I truly enjoy seeing my children kindly interacting with one another.

I now have two teenagers in my home and one preteen.   Sometimes that comes with its own drama.  I am not a drama momma, so I ask them to resolve their differences in a peaceful, respectful way.  Doesn’t always happen that way, but that is the goal.  I also have a special needs son that is nine. The two littles are seven and four.  They are always up to something mischievous together.  Well not always, but they are always getting into something together.  Sometimes they have their own drama, and I am trying to teach them how to resolve their differences.

I am learning that every stage has their own set of challenges.  I am learning that life is never perfect. I am learning to love each day and each stage.  I am learning to embrace the mundane.  I am learning to be more flexible.  I am learning to never take one second for granted.  My oldest is fourteen and just started ninth grade.  Oh my, what a wake up call…..   He is taller than me, and I have seen him grow right before my eyes.  The last few years passed in what seems like seconds.

I am not saying that it is easy.  I am not going to say that you will enjoy every second of every day with your children.   I am not going to say you won’t get exhausted.  I am just letting you know that it goes by fast.  They will not stay little for long.  Everyday they are growing.  Everyday that are changing in little and sometimes big ways.  Everyday is a gift, so don’t let that gift slip away….





Invite Him In


img_8063“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”  Revelations3:20

If you want Jesus in your life, you have to invite him in.  If you want Him in your everyday activities, you have to invite Him.  If you want Him to be apart of your home school, you have to invite Him.  You want Him in your home, you have to invite Him in.   He never barges in.  He wants to be apart of our lives but He will never force Himself into our lives.  We have to invite Him…

I need Jesus.  I need to hear His still small voice.  I need to spend time with Him.  I need to seek His wisdom.  I need to go to Him for strength.  I need Him in the midst of my mundane tasks of everyday life.   I need Him for guidance and direction.  I need His light to shine on my path.  I need Him to walk with me on my journey.   Oh how I need Jesus, and I need to make it a point to make sure He is apart of my day, everyday.

Sometimes we need to stand still and listen.  He is knocking, and He is calling out to us.  We just need to tune in and listen.   He wants a relationship with you and me.  He wants to sup with us.  He wants to be apart of every area of our lives.  He wants to help us and guide us.   We just need to slow down and take the time to let Him in and spend time with Him.



The Path Less Traveled

wood-nature-dark-forestSometimes in life you find your self on a different path from everyone else.  It is a path that can be scary, dark, and lonely.  It is a path that only a few have trod.  It is a path less traveled.

There is always beauty to find along the path.  You will discover beauty that others do not have the privilege to see.  This less traveled path is full of wonder and only a few get to pass through.

There are lessons to learn.   God gives His Wisdom to us when we ask Him for it.  There is wisdom that comes with this path, but only if we seek it.

There is the strengthening of our faith.  I like to think of it as a path of faith.  With each step forward I rely on Christ to lead me to my next step.   I ask Him to guide my steps.  I ask Him to light my path.  It takes faith to travel on a path that few have traveled.   It sometimes feels like an uncharted territory.  Oh but I know my Christ knows this path, and I know it isn’t uncharted to Him.

There is joy on this path.  A joy that comes from our journey along this path.  Oh the joy that comes from the beauty we find.  Joy from lessons we learn.  Joy from the people we traveled with on this path.  Joy from the strength we obtain from this path.  Joy from the Lord as we travel our path.

So next time you find yourself on an off beaten path; just remember to try to find the beauty, lessons, faith, and joy in the journey.

-Pamela Henry



When people think of disability they think broken, not working properly, and not able to do something.

So here is the thing.  I have a son with many disabilities and I have never thought of him as disabled.   Last year someone sent me a link on Face Book about Disability Awareness Month.  I read it and I turned around and asked my husband, “Does Aaron have a Disability ?”  My husband just looked wide eyed at me  and responded with a yes.  He was shocked that I even asked.

I never really thought of my son as having disabilities.  I know that sounds naïve. He is nonverbal and there is lots of things he can not do.  When I start listing the things that he can do, most people don’t think it is a lot.  Some people might say that his accomplishments are small.  Oh but I don’t listen to most people.  I think He is pretty amazing.  His smile and his laughter is contagious.  He lights up my day when he comes and snuggles with me.   He has taught me so much about love.  He has taught me how to communicate better.   He loves life and even though his life has many challenges he is almost always happy.  His life is simple and I love that about him.  What if we all had the ability to live a simple, happy life and love life?!

So don’t feel sorry for my son or other people with disabilities.  Just pray.   Pray for grace, acceptance, and love for all children  and adults with disabilities.  Pray for their families and pray for the challenges they may face.  Look at them through a different lens, see them for who they are and not their disability.

-Pamela Henry