Full Time Ministry

When I was younger I dedicated my to the Lord. As a teenager I surrendered to do full time ministry. I had a certain picture in my head of what that would look like. I thought maybe God will let me go to Africa as a missionary. I thought maybe He would call me to a small country church in the middle of no where. I thought maybe it was me working in an orphanage in a third world country. I never pictured my current life as a ministry or a mission field.

After high school I headed off to Bible college. Best decision ever. I majored in Marriage and Motherhood, and yes that was a real major. I learned so much. I met so many wonderful friends. I grew so much as a Christian. But I didn’t end up marrying anyone from Bible college. For awhile I thought I messed up God’s Will for my life. I wasn’t in the”Full time ministry “. Yes I was still serving God. I ran a bus route, taught in jr. church, taught Sunday School, and attended church regularly. But I wasn’t doing what I thought “Full Time Ministry “ was.

To tell you the truth my faith was starting to waver. I moved with my family to be closer to our relatives. I was serving God but I was 23 and had no prospects. Not only was I not in full time ministry but I wasn’t any where near being a wife or mother.

Right before I turned 24 I told God that I needed some direction. I needed Him to take away the desire for a husband and children if that wasn’t in His plans for me. I told Him I meant it when I said I wanted to serve Him full time with my life. I told Him my faith seemed to be so small compared to before.

Then the next month it happened. I met Brian. I didn’t know I was going to marry him. I didn’t know we were going to build a life together. I didn’t know God was starting a personal ministry in my life, A special mission field just for me.

You see ministry is just ministering to others. In other words, ministry is SERVING OTHERS! Full Time means ALL THE TIME! Full time ministry is just ALWAYS SERVING OTHERS!

God taught me something humbling. Being In the full time ministry is not always being in the spot light. It’s not always being a missionary in a foreign field. It’s not always being on a church staff. It’s not always being a pastor’s wife. It’s not always being a teacher or working in an orphanage. It’s not always singing for churches.

Most of the time God calls us to a ministry that will never be noticed. God calls us to mission field that will never be seen as a mission field. God calls us into a full time ministry that is just always being a servant.

So, dear mom please remember that your home is your mission field. The souls in your home need Jesus just like the souls in other countries. Please remember serving is the same as ministering. Remember that your prayers, service, and contribution is just as important to God as a famous preacher’s is.

You see I learned an important lesson. If your are serving Christ, if you are serving others, if you are serving the ones in your home, then you are in the FULL TIME MINISTRY!

-Pamela Henry

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