Before I’m 40

As life changes some of our goals change too. Some goals stay the same, some goals are no longer applicable to our life, some goals are on going, and some we can scratch off our list because we accomplished what we set out to do.

We all have goals and we all need goals. So, as another chapter and another decade is about to close in my life, I have really wanted to evaluate, to really think about what I want before this chapter closes. I also wanted to set some goals, develop some good and healthy habits, and get ready for the next chapter of my life.

So the next 5 months I really want to work on me. I want to work on my attitude. I want to work on my heart and my spiritual needs. I want to make sure I am healthy. I want to make sure I am keeping my mind sharp and healthy.  I have a few goals, some habits I want to make stronger , and some habits I want to implement in my life.

  1. I want to restart a prayer journal.
  2. I want to start scripture writing.
  3. I want to add more water to how much I already drink.
  4. I want to restart my exercise routine, I kind of got off track with this move.
  5. I want to restart reading aloud to my children.
  6. I want to read more books.
  7. I want to go out on more dates with my husband.

These are the first of my goals, the things I want to become a habit, a part of my routine.  I always want to be working on myself, to be a better wife, mother, relative, friend, Christian, and just a better person.

So, what are some of your goals? What good habits do you want to establish? What are some habits you want to let go of? I would love to hear them……

-Pamela Henry


It’s Monday Morning

I am drinking coffee. The house is quiet. Not because I sent all the children away on a school bus, but because they are asleep. In the quietness I got to  pray for some church members at our church that need prayer at this time.  I got to think and reflect on the day ahead of me. I really do enjoy this quiet time in the morning.

I do not know about you but Sundays are kind of crazy at my house. Sundays are not peaceful and quiet at all.  Monday is kind of a recovery day from the weekend and Sundays, well for everyone but my husband. He has to go to work.  So this morning I will let the kiddos sleep in and we will do school and tackle cleaning the main living area together.

This weekend was busy and wonderful. I got to go to a women’s conference with my church. The theme was Apple Red Happiness. It was all about choosing happiness, and joy. Even through times that are not so happy, Choose Happiness!!!!  So, now it is Monday Morning, time to put those lessons to the test!!!!  Will I choose joy even when things get a little crazy, and they will at some point today? Will I choose joy when the 2 year old starts to cry, and the five year old needs me, and I just really have to go to the bathroom?   Will I choose joy when my children are not being obedient? Will I choose joy when I am trying to accomplish a task but have to stop to help one of my children? Will I choose joy when the children are dragging their feet and really don’t want to finish their school work for the day? My prayer is that today I will choose joy and I will choose to be happy, no matter what comes up in my day.  I pray that I do not let circumstances predict if I will be happy or not.

My joy, my strength, my endurance, my peace, my encouragement, and my ability to have happiness through any circumstances comes from the Lord. Does that mean I will not have moments of sadness? No, it does not mean that. It means God will hold me and carry me through those moments of sadness. Does it mean everything is always quiet and peaceful at my house? No, it is certainly not quiet after my kiddos get up and not always peaceful when they are fighting amongst each other. But I can point them to Christ the source of peace even when life is stormy. Am I always strong and able to endure everything in life? No, I have to lean on God, I also lean on my husband and friends. I am able to push ahead because I know that God knows what is ahead. Am I always happy about everything that happens? No, I cry about lots of things that has happened in my life. Some circumstance are not always happy ones. Allowing God to take the broken pieces of my heart. Allowing Him to do a work in my heart. That is how I am able to find joy and happiness in the storms of life.

So It is Monday. Let’s choose happiness.

-Pamela Henry


Life is an unpredictable adventure. It is kind of like a rollercoaster ride. You have highs, you have lows, you have twist, you have turns,  and life can certainly throw you for a loop.

Motherhood was not what I expected. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be. It has been an amazing adventure that has brought out the best and the worst in me.

Thirteen years ago in August I found out I was expecting. I was so excited. I was scared. I was thankful. I was happy that God has answered our prayers.  This was the beginning of my journey in Motherhood.  I had no idea of the road that was before me.

Being a mom has changed my whole life. Just the weight of the job is humbling. The child that was growing inside of me had an eternal soul. Each child needs to be pointed to Christ. I need to live my life in such a way that I am not a stumbling block to them. Motherhood, being a mom is more than what I do, it is who I am.  I do not take motherhood lightly, I know what a blessing it is and I know the significance of my role.

You might ask if I have it all together, if I am a great mother? I must confess that I have to apologize to my children often. I fail everyday. I get up the next day and point them to Christ. You see, He never fails. I get back on that horse every morning. I fall and get back on, way to many times to count I might add. I am a sinner and I am not perfect. I have made many mistakes in my journey as a mom. I try to learn from them and I try to grow from them.

Motherhood is an adventure and I have learned so much from my children. All 6 of them are so different.  They make me laugh. They say the funniest things. Children are brutally honest. They look at life through a different lens. Their faith is unshakable. They live life to the fullest every day.  Everyday is an adventure. Their imagination has no end. My children have taught me to embrace each day, and embrace the adventure ahead.

From the moment I found out I was pregnant I was in love, each and every pregnancy. Each one of my children stole my heart way before I even got to hold them. Through the good times and the bad, through every adventure we take I count my blessings to be their Mother.

-Pamela Henry




Life seems to always seem the same and sometimes it seems as things are always changing. I know this is a complete contradiction, an oxymoron. While some things never change, somethings are always changing. Some changes are so small and steady that you barley notice the change. Some changes come quickly and are so drastic that you can’t miss it at all.

Life at the Henry Home has seen its share of changes, some were great and some where heartbreaking. Some changes were so small that no one really even noticed. In the last 14 years we have lived in 5 different cities. My husband graduated from College. He started working for Sherwin Williams. He has gotten several promotions. We have had six children. My children are growing, slow and steady.  We  lost my mom in an accident. Then we lost my husband’s brother in law in an accident. Several loved ones have passed away in recent years. Last year my mother in law passed away.

In some ways some things have stayed the same. God’s love is never changing, and never ending. God never changes. His Word never changes. It is a constant in our life.  When the world around me seems to not know up from down. When life seems to get crazy and a drastic change comes, I just look to the one that is Higher than I.  I am so thankful that God never changes. I am thankful that He is my anchor, He is my calm during a storm, He is my refuge, He is my Rock, and He is my Salvation.

So as you look around and see the piles of laundry, the dishes that need to get washed, children that need to eat once again, and you can’t see past today remember it won’t always be this way.  So don’t get lost in the mundane.You may think I will be in this season of life forever. You won’t!  Don’t let today slip by. Don’t wish this season of life away.  Don’t let your joy slip away. Don’t think your kids will be little forever. Believe it or not, your children are always growing and changing.  Embrace today. Drink some tea or coffee. Read your Bible. Enjoy a good book. Play with your children. Do something fun with your older children. Tell people you love them.  Embrace the mundaneness of today. Remember that no two days are alike, every day is a new day.

So keep on keeping on. Your work is not in vain. Lean on God who never changes. Embrace the changes with God’s wisdom and grace as they come your way.  Embrace today with love and joy in your heart.

-Pamela Henry