
Life seems to always seem the same and sometimes it seems as things are always changing. I know this is a complete contradiction, an oxymoron. While some things never change, somethings are always changing. Some changes are so small and steady that you barley notice the change. Some changes come quickly and are so drastic that you can’t miss it at all.

Life at the Henry Home has seen its share of changes, some were great and some where heartbreaking. Some changes were so small that no one really even noticed. In the last 14 years we have lived in 5 different cities. My husband graduated from College. He started working for Sherwin Williams. He has gotten several promotions. We have had six children. My children are growing, slow and steady.  We  lost my mom in an accident. Then we lost my husband’s brother in law in an accident. Several loved ones have passed away in recent years. Last year my mother in law passed away.

In some ways some things have stayed the same. God’s love is never changing, and never ending. God never changes. His Word never changes. It is a constant in our life.  When the world around me seems to not know up from down. When life seems to get crazy and a drastic change comes, I just look to the one that is Higher than I.  I am so thankful that God never changes. I am thankful that He is my anchor, He is my calm during a storm, He is my refuge, He is my Rock, and He is my Salvation.

So as you look around and see the piles of laundry, the dishes that need to get washed, children that need to eat once again, and you can’t see past today remember it won’t always be this way.  So don’t get lost in the mundane.You may think I will be in this season of life forever. You won’t!  Don’t let today slip by. Don’t wish this season of life away.  Don’t let your joy slip away. Don’t think your kids will be little forever. Believe it or not, your children are always growing and changing.  Embrace today. Drink some tea or coffee. Read your Bible. Enjoy a good book. Play with your children. Do something fun with your older children. Tell people you love them.  Embrace the mundaneness of today. Remember that no two days are alike, every day is a new day.

So keep on keeping on. Your work is not in vain. Lean on God who never changes. Embrace the changes with God’s wisdom and grace as they come your way.  Embrace today with love and joy in your heart.

-Pamela Henry



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